Our Story
The best part of the book trade are the people in it. We enjoy getting to know our customers and colleagues, so as an enticement for you to do the same, we submit below a brief introduction in lieu of a handshake or hug, both verboten no thanks to Covid-19. Pages For Sages began some 40 years ago, when Susan Heller immersed herself in rare book courses at Columbia and the University of Virginia, joined ABAA, participated in book fairs, purchased notable collections, and forged lifelong friends in academia and publishing. Susan chose to be a generalist. Her books and ephemera covered a time period ranging from the 16th century to the present and includes many subjects, some esoteric.
About fifteen years ago, the widowed Susan met the widowed Gerald Farbman through an internet connection. Gerry was a retired ex-engineer who was anxious to start a new chapter in his life. He had spent the bulk of his career in the design, development, and marketing of nuclear power plants for use by electric utilities, both in the United States and world-wide, and for NASA’s space power needs. Susan and Gerry hit it off ! He became a partner in Pages For Sages. We also became Life Partners, enjoying life today as happy seniors, with Susan 90 years old and Gerry 92.
P.S. - Gerry’s great-grandson has decided to follow Gerry’s career path through science and its esoteric constituents. He has commenced his studies with the intent of earning his PhD . The accompanying picture shows him hard at work pursuing his goals.