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Das Tonchen (A Fun Story) by Hugo Hartung Illustrated with Woodcut Engravings by Rob Stahle 1985
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The United Airlines Collector Series of Aircraft Prints by Nixon Gallaway
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“The Southern Question” A View of the Policy and Constitutional Powers of the President - 1877
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"The Admission of Kansas" Speech of Hon. John Thompson, of New York March 31, 1858
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Restoration of the Missouri Compromise Speech of Hon. John U. Pettit, of Indiana August 2, 1856
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"Kansas Investigation" Minority Report of the Kansas Investigating Committee 1856
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The Federal Union - It Must Be Preserved -- Number One -- by George M. Weston 1856
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Embossed Print - “En hommage à mon grand-pére” by Marie-Claude Lalique
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Two Issues of “The New England Bibliopolist”, Vol. II No. I (January 1882) and Vol. V, No. II (April 1888)
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Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters. Vol. VI. 1881-83
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peech of Hon. James H. Hammond, of South Carolina, on the Admission of Kansas, under the Lecompton Constitution. - 1858
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"Freedom in Kansas" -- Closing Speech of William H. Seward, in the Senate of the United States, April 30, 1858
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"Lecompton Constitution" -- Speech of Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, Jan. 28, 1858
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Speech of Mr. Allen G. Thurman, of Ohio, on The Oregon Question. Delivered in the House of Representatives January 28, 1846
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Address to the City Council at the organization of the City Government in Salem, May 9, 1836 by Leverett Saltonstall, Mayor
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Memorial of the Senators and Representatives, and the Constitution of the State of Kansas - 1856
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"The Panama Canal" -- Address of Hon. J.B. Foraker before the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, May 17th, 1914
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Speech of Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, In reply to Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, and Review of Mr. Oliver's Minority Report. - 1856
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German Bubble Gum Cards
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"The Policy of National Instinct" -- A speech delivered by M. Take Jonesco, in the Roumanian Chamber of Deputies during the sitting of the 16th and 17th December 1915
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Treason in Washington Exposed by Senator McCarthy 1950
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The Smear Terror, by John T. Flynn - 1947
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Proceedings of the Bunker Hill Monument Association at the Annual Meeting, June 18, 1888
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The Love Sonnets of a Hoodlum, by Wallace Irwin, With an Introduction by Gelett Burgess
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“Holiday Book of a Thousand Bargains” Book Number Six – 1926 Montgomery Ward & Co.
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An Oration Delivered Before the Authorities of the City of Boston, July 4, 1842, by Horace Mann
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Address to the Citizens of Pittsburgh, July 9, 1833 by Daniel Webster
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Catalogue of the Officers and Students in Yale College 1855-1856
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An Address before the Association of the Graduates of the United States Military Academy. Annual Reunion, June 11, 1874
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Speech of Joshua R. Giddings, of Ohio. In answer to Mr. Duncan, on the bill providing for the civil and diplomatic expenses of Government for the year 1840
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Annual Report on Harvard University, 1827-8
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The Contentious and Controversial Presidential Election of 1876.
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The Secret History of the Most Renowned Q. Elizabeth and the E. of Essex by a Person of Quality
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Speech of Mr. Benton, of Missouri, on the Bill to Separate the Government from the Banks “The Independent Treasury Bill” (in Senate, Wednesday, March 14, 1838)
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Resumption and the Double Standard, a Senate Speech by John P. Jones, April 24, 1876
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"The Crisis of Freedom" A Sermon preached on Sunday, June 11, 1854, by Samuel Johnson.
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To the Whigs of Virginia (written by John M. Botts and dated March 8th, 1848)
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"National Thanksgiving Services" - held on Thursday, December 7, 1865, in the Hall of the House of Representatives of the United States of America
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They "Stoop to Conquer;" or, “The English Swindle” Speech of Senator Wade, of Ohio, April 27, 1858
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Speech of Mr. Cass, of Michigan, on The Clayton-Bulwer Treaty - 1854
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"Executive Vetoes" -- Speech of Caleb B. Smith, of Indiana, on The Veto Power - 1848
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Selections from The Addresses and Writings of Hon. Richard C. Parsons, Member of the Cleveland Bar 1892
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An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear, Compared with the Greek and French Dramatic Poets. The Fourth Edition, To which are now first added Three Dialogues of the Dead by Mrs. Montagu -
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Why Steinbeck Wrote the Grapes of Wrath, and Other Essays
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“Sir John Hawkins” Dr. Johnson's Friend-Attorney-Executor-Biographer A Reorientation of The Knight, The Lady, and Boswell by C. A. Miller, LL.M
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Declaration of Sentiments of the American Anti-Slavery Society. Adopted at the Formation of said Society, in Philadelphia, on the 4th day of December 1833.
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Bibliotheca Burnsiana - Life and Works of Burns: Title Pages and Imprints of the Various Editions in the Private Library of James McKie, Kilmarnock, Prior to Date 1866
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"The Tariff as it is, Compared with The Substitute Proposed by its Adversaries" by Horace Greeley - 1844
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"Carlisle on the Ratio of 16 to 1" -- Speech of Hon. John G. Carlisle before the Workingmen of Chicago, April 15, 1896.
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"Free Coinage of Gold and Silver" - A report of Mr. Bland of the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures to the House of Representatives, February 10, 1892
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"Bimetallism: Its advantage, and what we suffer by the loss of it", by H. R. Beeton - April 1895
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Speech of Mr. Fillmore, of New York, on The Tariff Bill - June 9, 1842
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The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, A Poem by William Combe, Illustrated by Thomas Rowlandson 1823
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“The Story of a Lie and Other Tales” by Robert Louis Stevenson
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“Summers at Brady” by Ernstine Fischer Rickner 1988
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"The Old Woman Who Lost Her Dumpling" Japanese Fairy Tale Series No. 24. Lafcadio Hearn (translator)
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"The Nicaraguan Canal Bill" -- Speech of Hon. Theodore E. Burton, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, May 1, 1900
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Speech delivered by Hon. John Sherman, Secretary of the Treasury, at Mansfield, Ohio on Friday Evening, August 17, 1877
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Speech of Mr. Truman Smith, of Conn., on Removals and Appointments to Office. - 1850
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An Act of Parliament - April 26, 1796
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An Act of Parliament, dated 1739.
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"The Clayton Bulwer Treaty" -- Speeches of Senator Douglas in reply to Senators Clayton and Butler. On the Central America Treaty. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 10 & 17, 1853.
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A Letter from Father d’Incarville, of the Society of Jesus, at Peking in China, to the late Cromwell Mortimer, M. D. R. S. Secr. - 1754
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An Historical Discourse pronounced before the Graduates of Yale College, August 14, 1850
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A Catalogue of the Law School of the University at Cambridge for the Academical Year 1850-1851. Second Term
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The National Platforms of all Political Parties with the Names of all Candidates at each Presidential Election from 1789 to 1892 Showing the vote for each candidate both Electoral and Popular.
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United States Weekly Telegraph, Washington, February 22, 1832, Vol. V, No.13.
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"The Real Record" - The Democratic Congress Analyzed - Increased Appropriations, Extravagant Expenditures, Costly and Valueless Investigations - Etc, Etc. - Speech of the Hon. David B. Henderson, of
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“British Free Trade”, a Delusion – To the Farmers, Mechanics, Laborers, and all voters of the Western & North-Western States by G. B. Stebbins, dated July 1, 1865
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Second Speech of Mr. Rantoul, of Massachusetts, on the Coalition in Massachusetts, delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, March 9, 1852 in Reply to Hon. George T. Davis
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"The Life of Man Inviolable by the Laws of Christ", shown in Two Sermons delivered at Colchester, Conn. March 19, 1815. by Rev. Aaron Cleveland
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Two Annual Reports of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions
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Three Sermons delivered By Lyman Beecher, D. D.
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PLAYBILL for DEATH OF A SALESMAN Signed by Arthur Miller and Dustin Hoffman 1984
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Letter of Francis P. Blair, Esq. to the Republican Association of Washington, DC December 1, 1855
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"The Power and Duty of Congress to Provide for the Common Defence and the Suppression of the Rebellion" -- Speech of Hon. Jno. A Bingham, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, January 15, 1862.
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The San Diego Union - Vol. I, No. 1 - Saturday, October 10, 1868
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Missionary Herald, Vol. XV No. 3, March 1819
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Remy de Gourmont - A Modern Man of Letters by Richard Aldington - 1928
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The Superman in America, by Benjamin DeCasseres - 1929
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“A Message to Garcia”, by Elbert Hubbard (Fra Elbertus) 1916
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The North American Review, Edited by Allen Thorndike Rice, Vol. 146, No. 4, April 1888
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Observations on the Roman Colonies and Stations in Cheshire and Lancashire, by Thomas Percival, Esq. - 1753
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An Account of that Part of America, which is nearest to the Land of Kamtchatka - 1761
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Extracts of Two Letters to Thomas Hollis, Esq; concerning the late Discoveries at Herculaneum - 1757
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Additional Observations upon some Plates of white Glass found at Herculaneum - 1763
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An Account of the late Discoveries of Antiquities at Herculaneum, &c. in Two Letters from Camillo Paderni - 1757
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Further Remarks upon a Denarius of the Venturian Family, with an Etruscan Inscription on the Reverse - 1774
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An Extract of a Letter, dated May 2, 1750, from Mr. Freeman at Naples, to the right honourable Lady Mary Capel, relating to the Ruins of Herculaneum
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The Georgics by Publius Virgilius Maro Translated into English Verse by John Dryden 1952
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Jewish Life in Turkey in the XVI Century As Reflected in the Legal Writings of Samuel De Medina by Morris S. Goodblatt, D.H.L. 1952
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The Prisoner of Zenda, by Anthony Hope - 1898
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The Comic Almanack for 1838, An Ephemeris in Jest and Earnest, by Rigdum Funnidos, Gent. & George Cruikshank (Illustrator)
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“The Cruikshankian Momus” by The Three Cruikshanks
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George Cruikshank’s Table-Book Edited by Gilbert Abbott À Beckett 1885 – New Edition
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The Adventures of Doctor Comicus, or The Frolicks of Fortune A Comic Satirical Poem for the Squeamish & The Queen by A Modern Syntax
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“Points of Humour” Illustrated by the Designs of George Cruikshank
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"The Regionalists" by Nancy Heller and Julia Williams 1976
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George Cruikshank A Catalogue Raisonné of the Work Executed During the Years 1806-1877 by Albert M. Cohn
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Remarks on the Principal Paintings found in the subterranean city of Herculaneum
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Afrikan Matriarchal Foundations - The Igbo Case - by Ifi Amadiume - 1987
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The Divine Comedy – William Blake (William Blake’s Watercolours to The Divine Comedy) by David Bindman 2000
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“At Home” by Hale Chatfield - 1971
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"Women in China" by Katie Curtin - 1975
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Historical Sketches of the India Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America - 1886
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“Cogitata de Cometis”, by Johannes (John) Winthrop, Communicated by Benjamin Franklin 1768
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Description of an improved Apparatus for performing Electrical Experiments
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An Account of a Treatise presented to the Royal Society, intitled “Lettres sur l’Electricite by the Abbe Nollet" By William Watson - 1763
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Letters relating to Electrical Experiments & Observations by Edward Delaval - 1761
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A Letter to Mr. Benjamin Wilson, F.R.S. concerning Electricity; from Mr. Thorbern Bergman 1761
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An Account of several Experiments in Electricity: In a Letter to Mr. Benjamin Wilson, F.R.S. By Edward Delaval, F.R.S. 1763
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A Letter concerning some new electrical Experiments, by John Canton, M.A. and F.R.S. - 1754
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Observations upon the Electricity of the Air, by the Abbe Mazeas - 1754
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Farther Experiments in Electricity; by Mr. Benjamin Wilson, F.R.S. - 1761
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An Account of a Treatise, presented to the Royal Society, intitled “Letters concerning Electricity; in which the latest Discoveries upon this Subject, and the Consequences which may be deduced
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A Letter from Mr. Henry Eeles, to the Royal Society, concerning the Cause of Thunder - 1753
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Some Suggestions concerning the preventing the Mischiefs, which happen to Ships and their Masts by Lightning
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Observations upon Lightning, and the Method of securing Buildings from its Effects: In a Letter to Sir Charles Frederick, Surveyor-General of His Majesty's Ordinance, By Benjamin Wilson, F. R. S.
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"Girl Struggles" - An Artist's Book, by Sue Huggins Leopard
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An Engine for raising Water by Fire; being an Improvement of Savery’s Construction, to render it capable of working itself
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A Letter from Mr. J. Smeaton to Mr. John Ellicott, F.R.S. concerning some Improvements made by himself in the Air-Pump
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A Description of a metalline Thermometer, by Keane Fitzgerald
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A Description of a new Thermometer and Barometer, by Keane Fitzgerald, Esq; F.R.S.
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Proposal of some new Methods of improving the Theory of Jupiter's Satellites, by Jean-Sylvain Bailly
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PETER SCHLEMIHL, by Adelbert von Chamisso
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"The Tables Turned" A Letter to the Congregational Association of New York, reviewing the Report of their committee on "The Relation of the American Tract Society to the Subject of Slavery",
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Extracts from the American Slave Code
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Experiments on the Distillation of Acids, volatile Alkalies, &c. showing how they may be condensed without Loss, by Peter Woulfe
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An Attempt to point out, in a concise manner, the Advantages which will accrue from a periodic Review of the Variation of the magnetic Needle
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The Supposed Effect of boiling upon Water, in disposing it to freeze more rapidly, ascertained by Experiments, by Joseph Black
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Cause of the Ascent of Vapour and Exhalation, and those of Winds; and of the general Phenomena of the Weather and Barometer, by Henry Eeles
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Extracts of Several Letters of Mordach Mackenzie, M.D., Concerning the Plague in Constantinople
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Japanese Children’s Fairy Tale Picture Books (Set of Four)
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Holiday - May 1965
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The Illustrated Milliner - March 15, 1920
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Movie Weekly - May 9th, 1925
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Leslie’s Illustrated Weekly Newspaper - September 9, 1915
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Circling the Sun: A Novel, by Paula McLain
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Horrors and unpleasantries: A bibliographical history & collectors' price guide to Arkham House, by Sheldon Jaffery
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A Lost Lady, by Willa Cather
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Les Aventures de Tintin - Coke En Stock, by Hergé
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Carpentry and Building, Vol. II No. 8, August 1880
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“CASABLANCA” (Dialogue Transcript), Katherine Lewis (Transcriber)
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Woman’s Home Companion - October 1931
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The Fortnightly Review, Frank Harris, Editor
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Amy's Goose, by Efner Tudor Holmes, Illustrated by Tasha Tudor
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Life, October 25, 1943
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Picture-Play Magazine, Vol. XIX, No. 5, Jan. 1924
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Special Detective Cases, Vol. 1, No. 1, August 1941
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New Masses, Vol. XLII, No. 13, March 31, 1942
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Mise-en-Scène No. 1 - American Film Issue
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Hearst’s International combined with Cosmopolitan - February 1930
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Science-Fiction, Fantasy, Horror - The World of Forrest Ackerman, At Auction
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Hearst’s International combined with Cosmopolitan - April 1931
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“The Plays of William Shakespeare” Vol. III –
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The Conjure Woman, by Charles W. Chesnutt
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“Sylvie and Bruno, Concluded”
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“Chagall – L’Oeuvre Gravé”
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My Mortal Enemy, by Willa Cather
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Lisa’s Story: The Other Shoe
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Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
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Annals of Horsemanship: Containing Accounts of Accidental Experiments, and Experimental Accidents, Both Successful and Unsuccessful
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"The Principles and Policy of the Democratic Party" A Letter from the Hon. Elijah Ward
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USPS Special Limited Commemorative Edition of Action Comics No. 1 – The first appearance of Superman, June, 1938
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Bibliographical Resources for the Study of Nineteenth Century English Fiction
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Sir Arthur Eddington - Man of Science and Mystic
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Reconstructing the Crippled Soldier
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Life - Volume XXII, Number 550, New York, July 13, 1893
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"The North Pole Aftermath" -- Speech of Hon. S. D. Fess, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, Congress of the United States, Thursday, March 4, 1915
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The Latest New and Improved Illustrated Guide of Niagara Falls
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Handmade Distinctive Envelope with the Signature of Carrie Jacobs-Bond, American Songwriter
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A Letter from Mr. William Sharp, Surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, to James Parsons, M. D. F. R. S. containing an Account of a new-invented Instrument for fractured Legs
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The Nationality Classrooms of the University of Pittsburgh
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The Saturday Evening Post - Winter 1971
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Dustin Hoffman in “Little Big Man” Pressbook
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Life Magazine - Vol. 18. No. 17, April 23, 1945
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Intellectual Digest - April, 1973
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An Account of a Visitation of the Leprous Persons in the Isle of Guadeloupe
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Liberty, A Weekly for Everybody
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Agricultural Almanac, for the year of our Lord 1878; Being the second after Leap Year, and until the 4th of July, the 102d of American Independence. Arranged after the System of the German Calendars.
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"Finances --- And Estimate of Appropriations for 1838" -- Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the State of the Finances; also, An Estimate of Appropriations for 1838. - December 6,
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"British War Aims" -- Statement by the Right Honourable David Lloyd George, January Fifth, 1918 (Authorized Version as published by the British Government
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"The Principles and Policy of the Democratic Party" A Letter from the Hon. Elijah War
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“Indescribably Grand” Diaries and Letters from the 1904 World’s Fair
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“Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Business Men” by Elbert Hubbard
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Alphonse Mucha - Master of Art Nouveau by Victor Arwas 1985
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A Discourse on the Usefulness of Inoculation of the horned Cattle to Prevent the Contagious Distemper among them - 1758
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An Account of some extraordinary Tumors upon the Head of a Labouring Man - 1758
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A Remarkable Case of an Aneurism, or Disease of the Principal Artery of the Thigh - 1758
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Determining England's Population - In the 1750s
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Account of the Case of the late Right Honourable Horace Lord Walpole (Urinary Bladder Stones)
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"The Embroidered Banner, and Other Marvels" by Lieut.-Colonel Hort - 1850
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"Thermometers for Particular Uses" by Lord Charles Cavendish - 1758
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"An Account of the Earthquake felt in New England on the 18th of November, 1755", by John Winthrop
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Speech [suppressed by the previous question] of Mr. John Quincy Adams on the Removal of the Public Deposites, and Its Reasons 1834
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Third Annual Report on the State of Harvard University for the Academical Year 1827-8
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"Executive Vetoes" - Speech of C. B. Smith on the Veto Power in the House of Representatives, July 21, 1848
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"The Crucifixion, Viewed from a Jewish Viewpoint" - A Lecture delivered before the Chicago Institute for Morals, Religion and Letters - 1892
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The Vicar of Wakefield; A Tale by Doctor Goldsmith (Illustrated with 24 Designs by Thomas Rowlandson) - 1823
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"Hokum: A Play in Three Acts", by Morris McNeil and [apparently] Ernest Hemingway - 1978
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