Carpentry and Building, Vol. II No. 8, August 1880
This copy of the monthly journal/magazine “Carpentry and Building”, Vol. II No. 8, August, 1880 was published in New York by David Williams. The journal was intended for the use of people in the carpentry and building business, providing advertising, current prices for building materials, and multiple articles of interest and education for its readers. The item, which measures approximately 9 x 13 inches, contains xii pages of advertising plus 20 triple-columned pages (numbered 141 to 160) of text and illustrations. The booklet does not have a cover and the pages are mostly detached or semi-detached from its original string binding. Although there is considerable fraying of the outer edges of the pages, the text and illustrations are intact and easily read. The overall booklet can be considered to be in good condition.
The booklet’s overall arrangement is to have an opening section of vi pages consisting of advertisements and a table of Contents for the second section (with approximately 75 items listed), followed by the 20 page second section of text and illustrations, and a final vi page section which contain The Prices of Building Materials in New York, July 20,1880 and a one page List of Architectural Books, plus more advertising.
The illustrations accompanying this description show the item’s First Page, The first page of the second section, a typical page of text and illustrations from the second section, The Prices of Building Materials in New York, July 20,1880, from the third section, and a List of Architectural Books, from the third section.
This copy of the monthly journal/magazine “Carpentry and Building”, Vol. II No. 8, August, 1880 was published in New York by David Williams. The journal was intended for the use of people in the carpentry and building business, providing advertising, current prices for building materials, and multiple articles of interest and education for its readers. The item, which measures approximately 9 x 13 inches, contains xii pages of advertising plus 20 triple-columned pages (numbered 141 to 160) of text and illustrations. The booklet does not have a cover and the pages are mostly detached or semi-detached from its original string binding. Although there is considerable fraying of the outer edges of the pages, the text and illustrations are intact and easily read. The overall booklet can be considered to be in good condition.
The booklet’s overall arrangement is to have an opening section of vi pages consisting of advertisements and a table of Contents for the second section (with approximately 75 items listed), followed by the 20 page second section of text and illustrations, and a final vi page section which contain The Prices of Building Materials in New York, July 20,1880 and a one page List of Architectural Books, plus more advertising.
The illustrations accompanying this description show the item’s First Page, The first page of the second section, a typical page of text and illustrations from the second section, The Prices of Building Materials in New York, July 20,1880, from the third section, and a List of Architectural Books, from the third section.
This copy of the monthly journal/magazine “Carpentry and Building”, Vol. II No. 8, August, 1880 was published in New York by David Williams. The journal was intended for the use of people in the carpentry and building business, providing advertising, current prices for building materials, and multiple articles of interest and education for its readers. The item, which measures approximately 9 x 13 inches, contains xii pages of advertising plus 20 triple-columned pages (numbered 141 to 160) of text and illustrations. The booklet does not have a cover and the pages are mostly detached or semi-detached from its original string binding. Although there is considerable fraying of the outer edges of the pages, the text and illustrations are intact and easily read. The overall booklet can be considered to be in good condition.
The booklet’s overall arrangement is to have an opening section of vi pages consisting of advertisements and a table of Contents for the second section (with approximately 75 items listed), followed by the 20 page second section of text and illustrations, and a final vi page section which contain The Prices of Building Materials in New York, July 20,1880 and a one page List of Architectural Books, plus more advertising.
The illustrations accompanying this description show the item’s First Page, The first page of the second section, a typical page of text and illustrations from the second section, The Prices of Building Materials in New York, July 20,1880, from the third section, and a List of Architectural Books, from the third section.