Life - Volume XXII, Number 550, New York, July 13, 1893
Life - Volume XXII, Number 550, New York, July 13, 1893 is a typical early issue of the magazine, as published by Mitchell & Miller. It measures 8 ½ x 10 ½ inches and its 16 pages are comprised of nine numbered pages (pp 20 – 28) plus seven addition non-numbered pages containing advertisements, title pages, anecdotes, etc. This issue contains sketches by Charles Dana Gibson on both the cover sheet and centerfold of the magazine. If there ever was a semi-gloss cover for the magazine, it is now missing, Pages are string bound, but the string is ineffective and all pages are detached. Text, illustrations and other material are all in good, easily read condition. The illustrations accompanying this description show the cover sheet, title page, a typical page of text, and a typical page of advertisements.
Life - Volume XXII, Number 550, New York, July 13, 1893 is a typical early issue of the magazine, as published by Mitchell & Miller. It measures 8 ½ x 10 ½ inches and its 16 pages are comprised of nine numbered pages (pp 20 – 28) plus seven addition non-numbered pages containing advertisements, title pages, anecdotes, etc. This issue contains sketches by Charles Dana Gibson on both the cover sheet and centerfold of the magazine. If there ever was a semi-gloss cover for the magazine, it is now missing, Pages are string bound, but the string is ineffective and all pages are detached. Text, illustrations and other material are all in good, easily read condition. The illustrations accompanying this description show the cover sheet, title page, a typical page of text, and a typical page of advertisements.
Life - Volume XXII, Number 550, New York, July 13, 1893 is a typical early issue of the magazine, as published by Mitchell & Miller. It measures 8 ½ x 10 ½ inches and its 16 pages are comprised of nine numbered pages (pp 20 – 28) plus seven addition non-numbered pages containing advertisements, title pages, anecdotes, etc. This issue contains sketches by Charles Dana Gibson on both the cover sheet and centerfold of the magazine. If there ever was a semi-gloss cover for the magazine, it is now missing, Pages are string bound, but the string is ineffective and all pages are detached. Text, illustrations and other material are all in good, easily read condition. The illustrations accompanying this description show the cover sheet, title page, a typical page of text, and a typical page of advertisements.