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"The Admission of Kansas" Speech of Hon. John Thompson, of New York March 31, 1858
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Restoration of the Missouri Compromise Speech of Hon. John U. Pettit, of Indiana August 2, 1856
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"Kansas Investigation" Minority Report of the Kansas Investigating Committee 1856
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The Federal Union - It Must Be Preserved -- Number One -- by George M. Weston 1856
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peech of Hon. James H. Hammond, of South Carolina, on the Admission of Kansas, under the Lecompton Constitution. - 1858
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"Freedom in Kansas" -- Closing Speech of William H. Seward, in the Senate of the United States, April 30, 1858
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"Lecompton Constitution" -- Speech of Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, Jan. 28, 1858
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Memorial of the Senators and Representatives, and the Constitution of the State of Kansas - 1856
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Speech of Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, In reply to Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, and Review of Mr. Oliver's Minority Report. - 1856
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"The Crisis of Freedom" A Sermon preached on Sunday, June 11, 1854, by Samuel Johnson.
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They "Stoop to Conquer;" or, “The English Swindle” Speech of Senator Wade, of Ohio, April 27, 1858
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Declaration of Sentiments of the American Anti-Slavery Society. Adopted at the Formation of said Society, in Philadelphia, on the 4th day of December 1833.
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Second Speech of Mr. Rantoul, of Massachusetts, on the Coalition in Massachusetts, delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, March 9, 1852 in Reply to Hon. George T. Davis
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Letter of Francis P. Blair, Esq. to the Republican Association of Washington, DC December 1, 1855
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"The Tables Turned" A Letter to the Congregational Association of New York, reviewing the Report of their committee on "The Relation of the American Tract Society to the Subject of Slavery",
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Extracts from the American Slave Code
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