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“The Southern Question” A View of the Policy and Constitutional Powers of the President - 1877
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"The Admission of Kansas" Speech of Hon. John Thompson, of New York March 31, 1858
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Restoration of the Missouri Compromise Speech of Hon. John U. Pettit, of Indiana August 2, 1856
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"Kansas Investigation" Minority Report of the Kansas Investigating Committee 1856
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The Federal Union - It Must Be Preserved -- Number One -- by George M. Weston 1856
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peech of Hon. James H. Hammond, of South Carolina, on the Admission of Kansas, under the Lecompton Constitution. - 1858
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"Freedom in Kansas" -- Closing Speech of William H. Seward, in the Senate of the United States, April 30, 1858
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"Lecompton Constitution" -- Speech of Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, Jan. 28, 1858
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Speech of Mr. Allen G. Thurman, of Ohio, on The Oregon Question. Delivered in the House of Representatives January 28, 1846
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Address to the City Council at the organization of the City Government in Salem, May 9, 1836 by Leverett Saltonstall, Mayor
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Memorial of the Senators and Representatives, and the Constitution of the State of Kansas - 1856
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"The Panama Canal" -- Address of Hon. J.B. Foraker before the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, May 17th, 1914
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Speech of Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, In reply to Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, and Review of Mr. Oliver's Minority Report. - 1856
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German Bubble Gum Cards
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"The Policy of National Instinct" -- A speech delivered by M. Take Jonesco, in the Roumanian Chamber of Deputies during the sitting of the 16th and 17th December 1915
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Treason in Washington Exposed by Senator McCarthy 1950
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The Smear Terror, by John T. Flynn - 1947
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Address to the Citizens of Pittsburgh, July 9, 1833 by Daniel Webster
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Speech of Joshua R. Giddings, of Ohio. In answer to Mr. Duncan, on the bill providing for the civil and diplomatic expenses of Government for the year 1840
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The Contentious and Controversial Presidential Election of 1876.
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The Secret History of the Most Renowned Q. Elizabeth and the E. of Essex by a Person of Quality
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Speech of Mr. Benton, of Missouri, on the Bill to Separate the Government from the Banks “The Independent Treasury Bill” (in Senate, Wednesday, March 14, 1838)
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Resumption and the Double Standard, a Senate Speech by John P. Jones, April 24, 1876
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"The Crisis of Freedom" A Sermon preached on Sunday, June 11, 1854, by Samuel Johnson.
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To the Whigs of Virginia (written by John M. Botts and dated March 8th, 1848)
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"National Thanksgiving Services" - held on Thursday, December 7, 1865, in the Hall of the House of Representatives of the United States of America
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They "Stoop to Conquer;" or, “The English Swindle” Speech of Senator Wade, of Ohio, April 27, 1858
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Speech of Mr. Cass, of Michigan, on The Clayton-Bulwer Treaty - 1854
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"Executive Vetoes" -- Speech of Caleb B. Smith, of Indiana, on The Veto Power - 1848
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Selections from The Addresses and Writings of Hon. Richard C. Parsons, Member of the Cleveland Bar 1892
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Declaration of Sentiments of the American Anti-Slavery Society. Adopted at the Formation of said Society, in Philadelphia, on the 4th day of December 1833.
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"The Tariff as it is, Compared with The Substitute Proposed by its Adversaries" by Horace Greeley - 1844
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"Carlisle on the Ratio of 16 to 1" -- Speech of Hon. John G. Carlisle before the Workingmen of Chicago, April 15, 1896.
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"Free Coinage of Gold and Silver" - A report of Mr. Bland of the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures to the House of Representatives, February 10, 1892
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"Bimetallism: Its advantage, and what we suffer by the loss of it", by H. R. Beeton - April 1895
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Speech of Mr. Fillmore, of New York, on The Tariff Bill - June 9, 1842
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"The Nicaraguan Canal Bill" -- Speech of Hon. Theodore E. Burton, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, May 1, 1900
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Speech delivered by Hon. John Sherman, Secretary of the Treasury, at Mansfield, Ohio on Friday Evening, August 17, 1877
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Speech of Mr. Truman Smith, of Conn., on Removals and Appointments to Office. - 1850
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An Act of Parliament - April 26, 1796
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An Act of Parliament, dated 1739.
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"The Clayton Bulwer Treaty" -- Speeches of Senator Douglas in reply to Senators Clayton and Butler. On the Central America Treaty. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 10 & 17, 1853.
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The National Platforms of all Political Parties with the Names of all Candidates at each Presidential Election from 1789 to 1892 Showing the vote for each candidate both Electoral and Popular.
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United States Weekly Telegraph, Washington, February 22, 1832, Vol. V, No.13.
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"The Real Record" - The Democratic Congress Analyzed - Increased Appropriations, Extravagant Expenditures, Costly and Valueless Investigations - Etc, Etc. - Speech of the Hon. David B. Henderson, of
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“British Free Trade”, a Delusion – To the Farmers, Mechanics, Laborers, and all voters of the Western & North-Western States by G. B. Stebbins, dated July 1, 1865
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Second Speech of Mr. Rantoul, of Massachusetts, on the Coalition in Massachusetts, delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, March 9, 1852 in Reply to Hon. George T. Davis
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Letter of Francis P. Blair, Esq. to the Republican Association of Washington, DC December 1, 1855
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"The Power and Duty of Congress to Provide for the Common Defence and the Suppression of the Rebellion" -- Speech of Hon. Jno. A Bingham, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, January 15, 1862.
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Afrikan Matriarchal Foundations - The Igbo Case - by Ifi Amadiume - 1987
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"The Principles and Policy of the Democratic Party" A Letter from the Hon. Elijah Ward
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"The North Pole Aftermath" -- Speech of Hon. S. D. Fess, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, Congress of the United States, Thursday, March 4, 1915
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Life Magazine - Vol. 18. No. 17, April 23, 1945
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"Finances --- And Estimate of Appropriations for 1838" -- Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the State of the Finances; also, An Estimate of Appropriations for 1838. - December 6,
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"The Principles and Policy of the Democratic Party" A Letter from the Hon. Elijah War
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"British War Aims" -- Statement by the Right Honourable David Lloyd George, January Fifth, 1918 (Authorized Version as published by the British Government
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Speech [suppressed by the previous question] of Mr. John Quincy Adams on the Removal of the Public Deposites, and Its Reasons 1834
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"Executive Vetoes" - Speech of C. B. Smith on the Veto Power in the House of Representatives, July 21, 1848
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"Vladimir Ilich Lenin - A Poem", by V. Mayakovski
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“The Republican Campaign Text-Book for 1892” Protection, Reciprocity, and Dollars of Equal Value
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Report of the Committee on Banking and Currency, together with hearings thereof, on Bill H.R. 8149, Fifty-third Congress, third session. 1894.
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