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A Letter from Father d’Incarville, of the Society of Jesus, at Peking in China, to the late Cromwell Mortimer, M. D. R. S. Secr. - 1754
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“Cogitata de Cometis”, by Johannes (John) Winthrop, Communicated by Benjamin Franklin 1768
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Description of an improved Apparatus for performing Electrical Experiments
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An Account of a Treatise presented to the Royal Society, intitled “Lettres sur l’Electricite by the Abbe Nollet" By William Watson - 1763
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Letters relating to Electrical Experiments & Observations by Edward Delaval - 1761
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A Letter to Mr. Benjamin Wilson, F.R.S. concerning Electricity; from Mr. Thorbern Bergman 1761
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An Account of several Experiments in Electricity: In a Letter to Mr. Benjamin Wilson, F.R.S. By Edward Delaval, F.R.S. 1763
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A Letter concerning some new electrical Experiments, by John Canton, M.A. and F.R.S. - 1754
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Observations upon the Electricity of the Air, by the Abbe Mazeas - 1754
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Farther Experiments in Electricity; by Mr. Benjamin Wilson, F.R.S. - 1761
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An Account of a Treatise, presented to the Royal Society, intitled “Letters concerning Electricity; in which the latest Discoveries upon this Subject, and the Consequences which may be deduced
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A Letter from Mr. Henry Eeles, to the Royal Society, concerning the Cause of Thunder - 1753
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Some Suggestions concerning the preventing the Mischiefs, which happen to Ships and their Masts by Lightning
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Observations upon Lightning, and the Method of securing Buildings from its Effects: In a Letter to Sir Charles Frederick, Surveyor-General of His Majesty's Ordinance, By Benjamin Wilson, F. R. S.
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An Engine for raising Water by Fire; being an Improvement of Savery’s Construction, to render it capable of working itself
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A Letter from Mr. J. Smeaton to Mr. John Ellicott, F.R.S. concerning some Improvements made by himself in the Air-Pump
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A Description of a metalline Thermometer, by Keane Fitzgerald
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A Description of a new Thermometer and Barometer, by Keane Fitzgerald, Esq; F.R.S.
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Proposal of some new Methods of improving the Theory of Jupiter's Satellites, by Jean-Sylvain Bailly
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Experiments on the Distillation of Acids, volatile Alkalies, &c. showing how they may be condensed without Loss, by Peter Woulfe
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An Attempt to point out, in a concise manner, the Advantages which will accrue from a periodic Review of the Variation of the magnetic Needle
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The Supposed Effect of boiling upon Water, in disposing it to freeze more rapidly, ascertained by Experiments, by Joseph Black
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Cause of the Ascent of Vapour and Exhalation, and those of Winds; and of the general Phenomena of the Weather and Barometer, by Henry Eeles
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Extracts of Several Letters of Mordach Mackenzie, M.D., Concerning the Plague in Constantinople
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A Letter from Mr. William Sharp, Surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, to James Parsons, M. D. F. R. S. containing an Account of a new-invented Instrument for fractured Legs
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A Discourse on the Usefulness of Inoculation of the horned Cattle to Prevent the Contagious Distemper among them - 1758
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An Account of some extraordinary Tumors upon the Head of a Labouring Man - 1758
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A Remarkable Case of an Aneurism, or Disease of the Principal Artery of the Thigh - 1758
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Account of the Case of the late Right Honourable Horace Lord Walpole (Urinary Bladder Stones)
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"Thermometers for Particular Uses" by Lord Charles Cavendish - 1758
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"An Account of the Earthquake felt in New England on the 18th of November, 1755", by John Winthrop
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